
deven traboscia

PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. -- A struggling single parent and real estate agent is trying to sell her house and find a husband.
A single mother of two girls ages 14 and 21, Deven Traboscia, 42, has been divorced for eight years.
The real estate agent, tired of struggling on her own, came up with the package deal to auction off her Palm Beach Gardens home and herself.
She goes on to say that her four-bedroom, 2,000-square-foot home, that will be included in the deal, has "neutral colors, Berber carpet, and upgraded tile."
Her eBay auction asked for a starting bid of 99 cents and quoted a shipping cost of $500,000.
In the ad, Traboscia writes, "If you want to live the never ending dream and experience the real love, life and the romance you have always felt was a fairytale, then this is the vibrant outstanding woman of your dreams! To sweep this European Loving Lady off her feet, send in your application right now."